February 22, 2011

Samoa Popcorn aka German Chocolate Popcorn

 My name is Shelly and I am a snack food-aholic.
Honestly, I believe that I could omit the 3 standard meals that one should eat and only eat the in-betweens.
My son has just learned about all the food groups and is thus very conscience of when I am not having a balanced meal.
"Mom, you know an Oatmeal Cream Pie and a string cheese isn't a balanced meal".
Mmmm-kay.  Thanks.
So while I go learn about the darn food pyramid, here's s a yummy treat for all my fellow snackers.
I got the inspiration for this from my most favorite Girl Scout cookie, the delicious Samoa.
The samoa is a shortbready cookie covered in caramel and toasted coconut with yummy fudgy stripes.
I wanted to incorporate that yumminess into a finger food, so voila...
Samoa Popcorn!
 It's buttery popcorn coated in yummy caramel with toasted coconut and Samoa cookies throughout topped with a chocolate drizzle.
Have I got your attention?
 If you don't have Girl Scout cookies, Keebler has made a remarkable copycat version called Coconut Dreams.  They are really good and readily available at your supermarket anytime of the year! OR you can really omit the addition of cookies entirely because you have all the flavors going on and call it German Chocolate Popcorn.  It just keeps getting better, doesn't it?
Samoa Popcorn or German Chocolate Popcorn..you make the call :)
2 bags of Light microwave popcorn popped with the unpopped kernels removed.
2 c. light brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
12 tablespoon butter, cubed
4 Tablespoons water
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups sweetened coconut flakes
4 oz semi-sweet chocolate
1 package Samoa Cookies (optional)

After your popcorn is popped according to the package instructions set it aside in a large bowl.
 Put coconut in cold skillet and heat to medium low.  
It will take 10-15 minutes or so for it to toast up, but please watch it carefully because once it starts to brown it will go fast.
 Once it is a light golden color remove from heat and set aside.
Now, if you are adding the Samoas, chop your cookies into small bit-sized pieces.
 Set aside.
On your counter or a nearby table line a few sheets of wax paper so you can spread you popcorn onto it when mixing the caramel.  You don't have to do this, but it makes it easier.
To make the caramel combine the butter, brown sugar, water and corn syrup in a medium saucepan.
Whisk ingredients to together and bring to a boil.
Preheat your oven to 200°
Boil without stirring for approx 5 minutes until candy thermometer reads 250°.  If you don't have a candy thermometer, 5 minutes is just about the right amount of time, don't worry too much.
Remove from heat and immediately whisk in your baking soda and vanilla.
Now watch as your caramel does all sorts of sciencey things...gets lighter and bubbles/foams up a bit.
It's cool!
Pour your caramel over your popcorn and stir until it's all coated.
Now pour you popcorn on you waxed paper and sprinkle your toasted coconut on top of popcorn evenly.
 Leave your wax paper out, you will need it again! 
In a large roasting pan or baking sheet bake your popcorn in oven for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
Now spread you popcorn back onto the wax paper and sprinkle your chopped cookies evenly on top.
 Melt your semi-sweet chocolate in microwave on 50% power in 30 second intervals until melted, stirring each time.
Drizzle your melted chocolate on top of cookies and popcorn.  Let the chocolate set and break apart.
Store in airtight container for 3-4 days.


Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

You are killing me. I would die for this right now. Signed on to print out the cookies and cream cookies and now looking at this. And it is bad news that I now know about the keebler version of samoas. Yikes.

Unknown said...

I am LOVIN your popcorn!! The Samoa is my fave Girl Scout cookie too : )

Kristie Maynard said...

oh Man! You're killin' me here. First you give me that amazing popcorn cake now this?!! I better not try it or I'm gonna be in big trouble! It looks amazing!

Taylor said...

I'm a huge snacker and lover of Samoas....must have this popcorn NOW!

Melody said...

Like I have said before....You are a genius!

Cookbook Queen said...


My name is kristan.

I think we have blog ESP.

I just hit publish on a post about German Chocolate Muffins.

Aaaannndddd....I've also been trying to figure out how to use up all these darn Girl Scout Cookies.
This looks so good, I think I'll just have it for dinner.

P.S. Oatmeal Cream Pie totally counts as a meal.

Heather Baird said...

Samoas are my faaaaavorite! Oh man. Get out of town with this.

Tennjenny said...

Oh my lord.

Joanne said...

The problem is that once you learn about the food pyramid, you know too much. Knowledge is NOT necessarily power.

This popcorn looks delicious! I have no idea where to find a girl scout at the moment so i'm so glad you posted this with the keebler recommendation!

Unknown said...

Good thing I dont have all of this in my house! ha ha

Diane Schmidt said...

YUM-MY I'm a snacker too and I love Somoa's toasted coconut is so delicious!!! This is my kind of snack!

Eliana said...

All this deliciousness is making me hungry. If it wasn't way passed my bedtime I would make this right now.

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I'm not a samoa fan (dislike coconut), but this idea is fantastic! I'm thinking a Tagalong or Thin Mint version is in order...

cstrac said...

Yummy... Shelly this looks great. I love Somoa's!

Rosie said...

OMG, YUM! I love popcorn, I love Samoas, and I am *in* love with chocolate! This looks like dinner to me, too. :)

Unknown said...

That is my FAVORITE cookie!! Let alone girl scout cookie!!! This looks amazing!!

Cindy said...

That's a little bit of heaven right there.

Unknown said...

Oh. Yum. Is it possible that I might like these better than the cookies???!!!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Hi I'm your newest follower and boy am I glad I stopped here! That samoa popcorn looks amazing!!! Looking forward to following you! :)

SweetSugarBelle said...

Complete and utter genius!!!!

Sue said...

Your post had me laughing as usual:) I don't know how you come up with this stuff, Shelly, but I'm glad you do! Another winner!

christina said...

"Store in airtight container for 3-4 days"... that's funny.Nothing ike that would last around me for 3-4 days!

Lot-O-Choc said...

Oh yum this looks amazing, its been so long since I ve had popcorn, such a perfect and moreish snack!!

Barbara said...

What fun! And so clever of you to make. Everyone loves Samoas!

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

Oh my...popcorn is my favorite snack and I love when we can get these cookies; putting them together is genius! Thanks for letting me know that Keebler makes a similar version :)

Lorraine said...

This looks amazing! My family would go nuts for it. We had Samoas until my teenage son got a hold of them. I think there are two left. I will have to try the Keebler brand, but I agree; this sounds great even without them.

Leslie said...

CLASSIC..dont you just love it when kids lecture you!??
Amazing popcorn. Those are my favorite cookies!

Holly said...

YUM! Thats all I got!!! YUUUUUMMMMM!!!

Unknown said...

ohh I love love samoa. I actually just purchased 8 boxes :D. I can't wait to try this. The salty with the sweet is great.

Monet said...

I just did a post on Girl Scout Cookies today :-) And I loved loved loved samosas growing up. Thank you for sharing this deliciousness tonight. I hope you have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.

grace said...

brilliant. german chocolate cake is too chocolatey to be a favorite for me, although i could eat a bowl full of the frosting. this seems like a nice balance. plus, popcorn is healthy. it's true. :)

Dawn said...

You are amazing!!!! YUM!!!

Jocelyn said...

Wow! That looks and sounds amazing!! You inspire me so much!!! and for the record... I think oatmeal cream pies are a perfect meal;-)

Cookie Sleuth said...

I think I would eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Beth said...

Featured you/this recipe in the Weekly Blend over at http://scrappyjavagirl.blogspot.com/

HAppy Blogging,

Kaelyn said...

I came across your blog yesterday and being a girl scout cookie mom I immediately made the Samoa Popcorn. It is literally the most addicting stuff EVER!

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

I wanted to let you know that I made this last night and LOVED it! My whole family did and that doesn't happen so often, lol. Thanks for a great new recipe!

Jean Jacques said...

Yummy! I love all of these.

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Valerie said...

Samoas are my favorite! I could inhale this popcorn all by myself!

Erin said...

OH. MY. HOLY. HECK!!!!! This sounds so amazingly delicious! I'm so with you on eating snack food all day. I love it!!!

Beth said...

Wow ... that looks great! I always find it cute when kids learn something and lecture their parents about it!

Anonymous said...

Good thing the food pyramid isn't in existance anymore ;) Did you remind him string cheese is a dairy AND protein and oats are a grain? See, 3 food groups, done and done. Just kidding. LOVE both popcorn and samoas, so ah, ya, this is a perfect snack food in my book.

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