April 28, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bark

 Did I ever tell you about the time I almost got arrested?
Thought that'd get your attention!!
ok, let me break it down for you...
My long-time best friend came up to NJ for a visit from Austin, like she does once or twice a year.
We were freshman college roommates and have been together ever since...18 years later.
She loves going into Manhattan when she visits.
Ok, fine, all totally normal.
Here's where it gets sketchy.
Said friend enjoys a stroll down Canal St during her day trips to the Big Apple.
For those of you unfamiliar with Canal St....it's where they sell all sorts of purses, watches, perfumes, sunglasses and NYC memorabilia.  Most of these items are "quite a bargain":
(We will give them super secret aliases)
Dolce Banana watches for $9
Louis Baton bags $25
Smucci sunglasses 2 for $10
and so on..
I am all for budget shopping so we made the trek downtown.
While strolling Canal St. you get approached by a lot of colorful characters...people wanting to make deals and negotiate pricing.
It was all touristy fun until a rather pleasant Asian woman hands us a black trash bag full of handbags bodes the question,"What you like?"

 I'm not super quick in pressure situations...
I get confused when I get a manicure and they say, "You pick color, 5 minutes"
So needless to say I stood there, mouth gaping...
Now, to smarter girls, the offering of "Louis Baton" in a black trash bag might have been the first indicator that things weren't completely kosher...but you know, the promise of discounted, designer handbags made us a little loopy.
 We opened the bag...hit hard in the face with the smell of fake leather, formaldehyde and I think a hint of baby unicorn death.  

Here's where it gets good...
My completely innocent friend and I thought we hit the jackpot!  We opened the bag...eyes glazing over at the prospect of a "Louis Baton" duffle-bag...or maybe it was the toxic fumes from counterfeit chemicals causing the glazing...either way we were speechless!
Next we were suddenly approached by an average gentleman with a mustache and mirrored sunglasses.
He was straight up Reno 911!
Who, just like in the movies, whipped out a Police badge.
The lady who offered us the trash bag full of "Louis Baton" took off like a bullet.  Seriously, Like. A. Bullet.
If my friend and I had been one person she would have severed us in half with her lightning speed.
But there we stood, still intact, 2 imbeciles holding a bag full of baby unicorn death looking, all at once, bewildered, guilty and amused.
Seriously we were in the middle of an undercover sting!
The cop looked at us, asked if we bought the purses, to which we (2 blond haired, blue eyed Texans) answered, the always clever, "umm, huh?  No habla ingles?"
The officer, decided not to waste his time on such inarticulate dummies and took off after the Asian Bolt of Lightning.
There we were left standing at the corner of Canal and Mulberry with a giant trash bag full of, apparently "counterfeit" and allegedly illegal handbags.
Now what?  Well, for fear of ending up with a poisonous dart in the backs of our necks we dropped the bag, only to be snatched by Nextel wielding cousin of the Asian Bolt. 
For fear that Special Agent Purse Snatcher would be back to get us we decided to do what any law abiding citizen would do...we fled the scene.
Without making eye contact with anyone around we quickly needed a safe place, a shelter...luckily for us Little Italy intersects with Canal St.
Little Italy...where all the men think we are amazingly beautiful and call us "Bellisimo" and tempt us with canolli cream instead of Dolce Banana.
Drowning your fears in pastry is completely normal, right?
So, we escaped, purse and poisonous dart free.
Lesson learned, friends.
Never buy "Louis Baton" purses out of a trash bag sold on a street corner from an Asian Bolt.
You'll thank me later.

All right, now onto sweets.
This is a pretty straight forward recipe.
I got some solid inspiration from How Sweet It Is...I have been obsessing about her Cake Batter Bark ever since I saw it months ago.  It's really genius.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bark
6 oz. quality dark chocolate chopped
10 oz quality white chocolate chopped
2 cups chopped Chips Ahoy.
2 Tablespoons mini chocolate chips
Now...when I say "quality chocolate" that is certainly relative.  I used Ghiradelli because that is readily available in my supermarket.  The better the chocolate, the better the bark.
Melt your dark chocolate in a double boiler or microwave.  
*I most always use a make-shift double boiler (a glass bowl on top of a simmering pot of water) because I have made numerous mistakes in the microwave and killed many an ounce of perfectly delicious chocolate.
But certainly the choice is yours.
Line a baking sheet with foil and spray LIGHTLY with cooking spray.
Pour the melted dark chocolate onto prepared pan and spread.
Pop this into the freezer while you coarsely chop your Chips Ahoy.
Now melt your white chocolate over the double boiler or in the microwave.
When the white chocolate is melted, remove your dark chocolate from the freezer and pour the white over the dark.
 Spread evenly.
Now sprinkle your chopped cookies evenly over the chocolate.
Now your mini chocolate chips.
 Pop back in the freezer until set.
Cut (or break) into pieces.
Store in sealed container in the fridge.


Maria said...

Love this bark!

Amanda said...

Genius!!! You are my hero. :)

Kate H.(www.sprinkletherapy.blogspot.com) said...

You are so creative!

TidyMom said...

LOL love the purse story Shelly!!!

and that bark....oh my that looks and sounds fantastic!

MegSmith @ Cooking.In.College said...

One of the best stories I have read in a long time and seriously one of the most delicious looking recipes for white chocolate bark I have EVER seen. This looks so decadent and perfect.

Jill @ KitchenFunWithMy3Sons.com said...

Love it...great idea!

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I heard they were getting the police involved more with that! So glad you didn't get into trouble.

This bark looks awesome!

Wenderly said...

Love the story! I was riveted until the bitter end. And I would have done the exact same thing!

Bark looks delish!

Kelli said...

I adore Ghiradelli, that's pretty much all I use, because it's that perfect mix of 'slightly fancy' but not overly expensive and like you, it's readily available at walmart.
I love how the story opens as 'the last time I almost got arrested.' Sounds like this has happened more than once?

Sugar Butter Baby said...

HAHA funny story... gotta love nyc huh?
I've had some sketchy run-ins down on canal street but luckily no cops involved!
btw May 15th is National chocolate chip day... I'll try out this bark for the holiday ;)

cookies and cups said...

Kelli ~ I will assure you that it was only this once and never before :)

Craft That Party said...

loved your story. shared your recipe on fb- it would be just *perfect* for a milk and cookies party!!!!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Oh my...THAT looks good! And so glad you're not in the slammer so you can make it! ;)

"Drowning your fears in pastry is completely normal, right?" totally normal!

Jocelyn said...

Hilarious story...but glad you were able to get away! And that cookie bark looks so very yummy!!!

Cookbook Queen said...

Is it wrong that I sort of wish you DID get arrested so I could tell everyone that I had a friend in the Pen??

Okay sorry. I didn't mean it. I mostly didn't mean it.

The cookie bark looks amazing :) Genius idea!!

Patti said...

I just love your stories! This one made me literally laugh out loud...I think it somewhat had to do with the fact that I don't have my glasses on and totally read 'tempt us with canolli cream instead of Dolce Banana' the wrong way. (instead, inside...they're close right?) LMBO
I think I need some sleep...and to find my glasses! Right after I check to see if I have all the ingredients for chocolate chip cookie bark!

Jennifer said...

This looks DELICIOUS!!! I'm still laughing at the baby unicorn comments.. :)

Joanne said...

Well that settles that. I am never going to Canal street again without a body guard. Or an FBI agent.

I am also going to head to Little Italy to find my future husband. And then I am going to live off of cannoli cream and chocolate chip cookie bark. For the duration.

Seems like a plan!

Audrey Ellen said...

The chunks of cookies make it look so whimsical!

Erin said...

That looks delicious! And I'll keep that in mind - avoid garbage full of illegal material =o) Totally hysterical!

The Addicted Baker said...

Great recipe if you dont have a lot of time. The cookies on top make this dessert look quite delicious

Misc Momma said...

Funny story, but what made me literally laugh was the chips ahoy addition after the "good quality" chocolates. I do love me some soggy chips ahoy, but it just seemed a bit funny after the Ghirardelli.

may said...

I like it



Unknown said...

That is a great idea. I love a really good bark.

Unknown said...

I would like to invite you to join in on "Made it on Monday"....A WEEKLY RECIPE LINK PARTY, I host on my blog.


*Link ups are open every WED.-SAT.*

I hope to see you and your recipes soon. :)

Ashton said...

I love ANYTHING chocolate chip cookie. This looks awesome!

Unknown said...

My daughter and I made this and wowie wow wow...even my grumpy father in law had a smile when he ate some!! You are a MIRACLE worker!!!!!!!

grace said...

reno 911 is one of my guilty pleasures. and hey, what a coincidence--so is candy bark, and this is a fine version!

Kitchen Belleicious said...

that has to be the most delicious concoction I have ever seen. My two favorites chocolate chip cookies and bark! I am all over this! Wanted to stop by and say thanks for commenting over at my guest post I did for Ali-n-sons! Appreciate your comment and so glad you did so I could stumble upon your blog! It is awesome and full of delicious pics and recipes. I am following you now for sure!


Chrissy said...

Oh no!!! Ive always wanted to go to Canal Street and now I know why my husband told me I shouldn't! Close call :)

Cookie Sleuth said...

Yum! Glad you weren't arrested :/ Makes for a great story!

Kristen said...

Hehehe - that was getting good. Reminds me of the Sex in the City movie when they were in Dubai!

Anonymous said...

looks delicious!!! yumm. something I definetly got to try!

btw: if you have time please visit my blog www.beariliciousmomm.blogspot.com


Diane Schmidt said...

Hysterical story. So glad you didn't have to due "time"
Love this idea, must taste fabulous.
Gotta go snack on chocolate chips, too tired to make anything it's almost 11pm. Maybe I'll make this in the morning. If I use cookie crisp cereal it will be for breakfast!!!

Lexi said...

That looks absolutely delectable. I have no idea how you come up with all these great recipes but I am forever greatful. Now if I could only go and actually make them...

Unknown said...

Hahha that sure is a great story. I visited one street like that once in Barcelona, I was totally freaked by the sketchy characters all about. It was all I could do to not run through it all!

This bark is pure amazing. Can't wait to try it!

Leslie said...

OMG..you had me dying over here...so many things..You pick color, 5 minutes...unicorn death...oh my you kill me!

Rene @ Family Friendly Reads said...

Totally trying this!! (The bark, that is)

Sue said...

This bark looks FABULOUS, but I love your story! :) My attorney brother-in-law used to work for Oakley sunglasses in the counterfeit dept. down in San Diego:)

Teronia Wilson said...

the Bark looks super delicious, I may try it with my addiction: Chips ahoy Fudge Chunk cookies. And the Louis Baton/ Asian Bolt story was hilarious, glad you guys got away safely.

Meg Luby said...

ha, cookies never looked so happy! thank you so so much for sharing! love this, love you, love your blog! ha. it's a party. i'll keep you updated if i make this!
@ http://clutzycooking.blogspot.com

KitchenTherapy said...

made these a few days back, friends went gaga over them

Charlene Austin said...

I have to tell you that I only just found your blog today and I've already made one of your recipes and laughed A LOT! You crack me up!

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