May 8, 2011

Cookie Dough Fudge

 Well, I hope everyone out there either had a great Mother's Day and/or spoiled your Mom endlessly.
I had a very low-key, but completely enjoyable day.
My husband made me dinner and I got bunches of handmade cards from the little ones.
My youngest had to fill out a survey for his Mother's Day card...
Questions like, "What is your mom's name?", "How old is you mom?"
I am fairly certain that Kindergarten teachers do this for their own jollies.
Another example:
"What is your Mom's favorite thing to do?"
Well, upon reading my Mother's Day card, my child answered, "Play on her phone"
Could he have not said, "Give me hugs" or "Play board games with me"?
I now seem like the world's most inattentive Mother.
And while Words With Friends on my phone does seem to take up a good portion of my day I somehow feel self conscience about this when my 5 year old puts me on blast to his teacher.
My friend, Anne, gets the prize, though for Most Humiliating teacher story.
When her daughter got asked "What is your Mom's favorite thing to do? " for her Mother's Day interview her sweet, precious daughter answered, "Lay on her bed and eat Puppy Chow".
Ok, let's let that hang in the air for a moment.
Not only does this make Anne sound incredibly lazy, it also makes her sound like some sort of Dog Food eating freak.
What her daughter failed to mention was that Puppy Chow is a deliciously sweet snack that our neighbor makes AND that she had been sick the days prior to the "interview" so she HAD been laying on her bed.
I am sure that the talk in the Teacher's Lounge was on FIRE that afternoon!

In all honesty, I know we all love the handmade cards...humiliation and all...because we all know that the ammunition that our children give us on a daily basis is more than enough to embarrass them for their teenage years to come.
Paybacks, kids.  It's a tough lesson.

Now to the fudge.  To add to my day of indulgence I decided to go back to territory I have been very familiar with lately.  
Cookie Dough.
It has been the basis to some delicious treats as of late, like these..and this...and of course these.
Why stop there?
The idea for this delicious fudge came from the blog Fields of Cake.  I nearly fell outta my chair when I saw this post.  I knew there was absolutely no way that I wasn't making it. Not. A Chance.
I made a few adaptations...I used a different fudge recipe for starters and also used my egg-free cookie dough recipe, but the ideas is all hers.
Here's my version of Cookie Dough Fudge
adapted from Fields of Cake

Make 1/2 batch egg-free cookie dough...recipe HERE.  
You will need 1 1/2 cups approx of dough. 
You might have some leftover.  You can freeze any leftovers for later.
Form your cookie dough into marble sized balls.
Place on a waxed paper lined baking sheet.

Freeze for at least 15 minutes.  The longer the better, so it doesn't melt when you add it to the fudge.

2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 (15 oz) can Sweetened Condensed Milk.

Butter the bottom and sides of an 8x8 pan.
In a medium saucepan over low heat melt the sweetened condensed milk and chips together.  
Stirring continuously.
When chocolate is melted remove from heat.
Remove your cookie dough from the freezer and carefully fold into your fudge.
Spread immediately in the pan.
Chill for at least an hour.  
Cut into squares and serve.


Unknown said...

This looks truly scrumptious! Truly, truly scrumptious! I loved your story. It really made me chuckle. I totally get it too. I think all moms understand such touching and somewhat painful stories :)
BTW, I love your blog design. Ever think of having a blog tile painted of it? Just wondering :)
Happy Mothers Day!

SweetSugarBelle said...

I had a doll named Richard, a girl doll...for some reason I just liked the name. Anyway daqent hunting one weekend so I gave her to mom so she wouldn't be lonely. Then I went to churh And told all my teachers who knew dad was gone, tha mom slept with Richard last night. One of them finally told mom months later when I brought Richard to sunday school but she cringes to think of what they thought before!

As for the fudge, it looks so amazing. You make my kind of treat. :-)

Joanne said...

Perhaps my problem with cookies is that I never really make them...because I've eaten all the dough. Hmm. you raise an interesting point.

This fudge. Needs. To get in my life.

Happy mother's day love!

Blog is the New Black said...

This looks amazing!! :)

Jocelyn said...

Oh yum!!!!! That looks divine... I like how you think with the payback for the teen years;)

Tennjenny said...

I just got one of those cards from my kindergartener. He said I was 51 years old and look funny "when I have a towel on my head." I am actually glad he wasn't asked what I like best to do. I am afraid to hear the answer!

Sherry G said...

I made this before and it really is awesome!

Unknown said...

Oh My.....I am drooling!

These look so good! I am making them!
do I have to share?

Kristen said...

Oh my loving God... this looks amazing.

Cracking up over your kids. Mine in preschool was making out a grocery list, practicing writing, and put... "Budder and Beer" and that was it on his grocery list.

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I love cookie dough in anything- What a great idea to put it into fudge!!

Manni said...

Happy Mothers Day, buddy:)
lol! too funny with your stories!! Kids say the darnest things!!
Thanks for sharing the recipe, will have to try it:)

Maris (In Good Taste) said...

What a great concept! Take 2 incredibly delicious things and combine them! Can't wait to make this!

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

I just gained 25 pounds looking at this post, Shelly. I'm not even going to tell you about having to now go clean my screen from the lick marks. :)

Diane Schmidt said...

Oh what I would give for a piece of that fudge right now! MMM...looks fantastic.

paddle attachment said...

Little balls of yummy cookie dough encased in fudge. It's hard to imagine a better Mother's Day treat!

TidyMom said...

you're killing me Shelly!! my girls have this love for anything cookie everytime I see a new recipe I have to try it!!

LOVE this!!


what can i say except that i bet you're quite popular ANYWHERE someone asks for treats like this fudge! i know i eat AT LEAST 2 cookie's worth of dough before i get the first batch baked . . . ok 3 . . . well . . . i am so grateful i don't have kids in school . . .

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Oh my GOODNESS!!! That looks incredible! We will HAVE to try it!

AND, when kiddo was in preschool, the teachers did a survey like that. They asked the kids what their moms favorite food was. Kiddo said "vegetables" for me. Huh? One of the other kids said his mom's favorite food was "beer and chicken." I will never forget that. :)

Wenderly said...

Oh my heavens to Betsy does that fudge look like a sure way for me to sabotage all of my hard work at the gym...

And TOTALLY worth it!

Hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day Sweets!

Unknown said...

"Lay on her bed and eat Puppy Chow..." Oh my. I lost it when I read that! Too funny!

Your fudge looks amazing! I don't think I've ever heard of cookie dough fudge before. Genius!

Food Glorious Food! said...

Delightful! You sure know what's best for dessert!

Trainer T.s Fitness said...

If I lived near you I would be so fat :-)

Do you sell your stuff bc you should its just amazing how creative you are.

Happy late Mothers day (I dont log on the weekends)

Vimitha Durai said...

Perfectly done and looks so very yum... Happy to follow u..

Erin said...

WOW! This looks amazing! And you are so funny. I'm always chuckling when I read your posts!

birdie to be said...

You have a darling blog. I love the header!

Allison said...

This looks sinful! Words with friends is probably as addictive as this fudge is. Happy mother's Day.

Casey said...

oh boy...just printed this off, now im in deep trouble

Allison and Adam said...

I love your Mothers Day story! My card said (for the question what is your mums favourite thing to do) "Play on her Iphone and watch TV"
Lazy much??

Unknown said...

Hahha that is a great story. This fudge looks gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing! i will have to try this recipe out some time. Your blog is so nice... I'm a follower now. Since we are neighbors (NY and NJ) and baking enthusiasts, come visit me at

Shannon said...

Oh my..this looks very dangerous and I must have right now!!! The survey answers cracked me up!!!

Lora said...

Fantastically decadent. Yay!

Sue said...

Wowie, this fudge looks amazing!
Love your post, as usual:) My sister s a kindergarten teacher, so I've heard many of the funny things that they share. At times she reminds her kids that some stories should stay at home:)

naomi said...

To die for! Forget the knife for slicing, give me the pan, my sofa and some trash reality TV and I'll be comfortably planted for a full 24hours!

Megan said...

oh my goodness! I am making this ASAP

grace said...

things to love:
-puppy chow.
-cookie dough.
-any post on this here blog. :)

Abby said...

You had me at cookie dough!

I {heart} Nap Time said...

Holy cow your site is dangerous... these look so yummy!! Can't wait to try them. New follower here! Can't wait to explore around more. P.S. what font is the cookie dough one.. so cute!

I ♥ Nap Time

Pretty. Good. Food. said...

Wow....these sounds fantastic! Now I'm hungry for sweets!

Canterbury Cakes said...

These look amazing! I'm so pleased to have found your blog - such an inspiration.

Jes said...

These stories made me laugh and reminded me of when my nephew was in kindergarten. (The back story is that my parents are raising my nephews). But for this same type of questionnaire, the question was when does mom look the most beautiful.. five year old nephew responded with 'when she gets out of the shower'. We still tease him about this.. he is now 14!

thank you for sharing your story and reminding me of ours :)

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