May 2, 2011

Mother's Day Flowers - A Cupcake Bouquet

 Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday.
Have any plans?
I got an early present on Sunday, which I am super excited to start using!
So my Mother's day will consist of me learning how to use my new toy :)
Beyond that I will be keeping it pretty low key.
You see, this will be the first Mother's Day that I will be celebrating since my mom's passing in February.
She lost her battle with a cancer that came fast and furious, not giving us much time to fight it.
I didn't share the sad news before now, because I am just learning how to deal with such tremendous loss.
I have learned many things over the past few months trying to navigate my life without her.
It's quite an anomaly, the feeling that you have walking through your life without the person that has been there by your side all along.
It forces you to grow up, no matter how old you are.
But with all the lessons that I have learned, and will continue learn, I believe that the most important is to cherish you family and loved ones.
Now, this Sunday we have a whole day there to remind us how much our Mother's do for us and how much we, as Mothers, do for our own families.
So give your mom a squeeze and tell her thank you for everything she has ever done, because sometimes you don't realize it all until it's too late.

Now, onto happier, craftier, sugarier stuff :)
Instead of a regular old bouquet of flowers, why not give her something to make her tummy happy as well as put a smile on her face?
You'll need:
Green Twizzlers (they come in an assorted pack of colorful Rainbow Twizzlers.)
Lollipop sticks (minimum of 6" long)
Assorted colorful candy (I used M&Ms)
Baked and frosted mini cupcakes
Floral foam
some green Easter "grass"
pot to "plant" your cupcake flowers
Start with your skinny round lollipop stick, mine were 6 inches long, so all my measurements are based on that.  Lollipop sticks are readily available at your local craft store or even WalMart carries them now
Then cut your Twizzler to 3 inches.
The push your stick through the hole in the Twizzler
(get your mind out of the gutter).
Leave  about 2.25 inches on the bottom end (to stick in the floral foam) and 1 inch on top to stick into your cupcake:
Now decorate your cupcakes with your candy...I used M&Ms, but Mike and Ikes would be cute too!  Use your imagination!
The poke a TINY hole in the side of the cupcake liner...
Carefully push your lollipop stick into the cupcake.  Make sure you don't push it all the way through.  Use your Twizzler as a stopper at the bottom so your stick doesn't pierce through the entire cupcake and poke out on the other side.
Here's how mine looked before I "planted" them.
Now press your sticks into the foam, arranging them as you like.
Now use some of your leftover Easter basket grass to cover up the foam.
There you have it!  Easy, yummy and super cute!
 Perfect for your Mom or Grandma on Mother's Day!
I'm linking this up to Tidy Mom's I'm Lovin It!  Check out the other cute ideas linked up over there!!

Tidy Mom


Unknown said...

So cute! I know THIS mama would love to get this! I would actually love to make it with my kiddo too!! :)

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

This is so much better than a bouquet of regular flowers! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that you enjoy your mother's day despite your loss.

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Oh, Shelly....I'll be thinking of you this Mother's Day. I remember my first couple without my didn't quite feel like Mother's Day anymore (still doesn't). From what I know of you, she must have been a really cool lady. ♥

The bouquets are genius! I love those stems!!!

Have fun with your new "toy." :) Sending you big hugs from Texas.

Kristen said...

I know the time where my mama won't be here any longer is near, but I still can't imagine it. My heart goes out to you!

On a happier note, enjoy your new toy!

Kit said...

Super cute and blessings on your healing this Mother's day!

Cookbook Queen said...

Oh chickie, you made me cry. I so wish I could have been there for you when you were going through that. Not that I would have been able to do much, I suppose. I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day, and your sons and husband spoil you all day long.

I'm here if you need me :)


Amy | She Wears Many Hats said...

Awww Shelly ... I can't even begin to imagine the year you've had. I'll be thinking about you on Sunday and maybe even make some of these purty sweet treats too!

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

I'm so, so sorry for your loss, sweetie. It's just not easy seeing your parents sick and then their passing is just not anything that you can explain or even know how to really deal with. I'll be thinking of you this Mother's Day. Just know that your sweet Mom is still right there by your side, cheering you on and giving you words of wisdom in your ear whenever you need it.

TidyMom said...

awe I'm so sorry for you sweetie!! This whole first year will be tough.{{{hugs}}}

I got my first dSLR for Mother's Day 2 years ago!!....wishing I could upgrade this year! have fun!! you will LOVE it!

CookieCrazedMama said...

I just love your blog, but on a more personal note, I understand how hard it is to lose someone so close. I lost my dad in March after just a 5 month battle with cancer. There are brief moments I forget he's not here and go to call him. I'll keep you in my prayers, especially this Mother's Day.

Wenderly said...

Oh my, I had no idea. I'm so very sorry for your loss, love. My parents have not been doing well the past 6 months or so. I have so much compassion for you. I will be thinking and praying for you, for comfort and peace. I'm sure that your mom is looking down on you smiling and beaming over your many talents that you are sharing with many. {{{hugs}}}

Jocelyn said...

These are simply the green twizzlers for stems. I always wondered how to keep sticks from going through I know. I am very sorry to hear about your loss this year. I know it will be tough but know that you are in my prayers!

Carley said...

So sorry to hear about your loss! I said a prayer for you! This is the cutest thing ever!!! I am so going to have to try this!

Unknown said...

These are precious. How proud your mom must have been of your talent in the kitchen and how you are sharing it with others. Thoughts and good things with you this mothers day. ~ Trisha


Shelly ~ i am so sorry for the loss of your mom and i know this mother's day will be very, very difficult; oh i wish i could say it will be a breeze but it will not. the good part is that you'll have the memories - the good memories of talks you've had, things you've done, stories and secrets you've shared . . . lean into those memories . . . hold them, cherish them, talk about them . . . that is what keeps your mama's spirit alive and with you forever . . . hugs, my new friend

Heather McMullin said...

My kiddos would love to make these!!

Diane Schmidt said...

Shelly my heart is aching for you! I am sending you a HUGE hug.

Such a WONDERFUL gift.You're going to LOVE it!

Happy Mother's day to you.
I love the stems, you are a genius!

Pink Little Cake said...

I am very sorry for your loss. My coworker's mom and a really close friend's mom also passed away on Feb, it is hard breaking . Happy Mother's Day Shelly, I am sure your mom will be watching you from above.
Love your new toy!

Meghan said...

I am so sorry for your loss. These flowers are way cute! I cant wait to try to make them!

Amy Anderson said...

So cute and creative!!

Food Glorious Food! said...

Edible art! Superb idea for mothers day!

Unknown said...

So Sorry for your loss. I hope that you have a nice Mother's Day and remember her in a special way!

Erin said...

So cute! I wish someone would make one of these for me =o)

Joanne said...

Oh shelly, I'm so sorry love! I am sending you virtual casseroles of mac and cheese and lasagna (although if you want to come to NYC to pick some up I will hand them to you live and in person!) and all the stuff that people need in times like this. I can't even imagine what that must feel like but I'm sure your mom knew how much you loved her and is so proud of you.

These cupcakes are gorgeous! So adorable...and so festive!

Kate H.( said...

So incredibly sorry for your loss.
These are so adorable and I'm sure your mom is so proud watching from above (:

Mimi said...

Love your cupcake art!
Sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. She may not be a phone call away, but you will see her in many ways, every day. That's the great thing about moms.

Allison said...

The first year has to be the hardest. You are so amazingly talented and I imagine some of that was either passed on and or encouraged by your mother. This is a fun mother child activity and I can wait to make these with my kids. Perfect for teacher appreciation week!

Cristin (Pinkie) said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your mother. I lost my father to Cancer just a couple years ago and it was devastating. Your mothers day bouquet of cupcakes is beautiful and I'm sure she would be proud. Thanks for sharing.

MeLissa said...

My condolences and sympathies are with you. My father died unexpected the day after Christmas so I'm grieving myself and completely understand that thing about needing to grow up right away. There are so many things I just wish I could call him up and talk to him about.

I do love this bouquet, though, and might create it for my mother when I go visit her later this month.

paddle attachment said...

I'm so sorry you lost your Mom. Your pops are so sweet. I especially like the Twizzler detail!

cakewhiz said...

you are so creative! these flower cupcakes are the cutest things ever!!! i really like how you used green twizzlers for the stems :D

Isreview said...

oh how cute!!! so creative and simple yet such sweet details:)

mary kay said...

I'm so sorry about your Mom. I cherish my Mom everyday and I'm scared for when she's no longer here. I'm sorry that you have to go through this pain. I'm sure your Mom was very proud of her beautiful and talented daughter.

Unknown said...

Thoese are adorable.

LoveCupcakes said...

Those cupcakes are adorable! And great decorating idea too!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear! Glad you're up to celebrating now. That is a very clever presentation

Addison Mae said...

This is adorable!!! I love this blog!! New follower! come see my blog!

Sue said...

I'm so sorry, Shelly. I know how difficult it is to celebrate Mother's day without your mom, your #1 fan. For years I went camping on Mother's day weekend to avoid the day. I hope you enjoy your new toy and capture sweet mom memories with your own boys:)
The cupcake flowers are just way TOO CUTE!

Sara Tea said...

too stinkin' cute!!

grace said...

i haven't seen rainbow twizzlers on the shelves--how lovely! these are adorable little treats--clever work!

SweetSugarBelle said...

I am so so sorry. I am up with a sick kiddo and now I am bawling. I didnt start making cookies by accident you know. My hobby stemmed from a loss. My Nanny passed away Jan of 09 and even though I expected it, it was the absolute most devestating thing I have ever been through. All at once, my safe place, my biggest fan, by best friend, one of the biggest influences in my life was GONE. I was not and will never be used to or prepared for the void she left. I still talk to her, and Most of te time I can have a two way conversation with her and know what she would say. I hope that this mom's will be filled with fond memories!

PS, you are gonna love your toy. I just got the same one {or close} and it's SOOOOOOOo cool!

Lorraine said...

So sorry to hear the very sad news of the loss of your mom. I hope you have a happy day with your family this Sunday.

Your flower bouqet is so pretty:)

Mindy said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. May you take comfort that your mama raised one great baking girl:)

Thanks for sharing with us - I'm gearing up to make Lemonade cake for this weekend!

Cookie Sleuth said...

Such a fun new toy. :) I hope you can enjoy the day and celebrate your wonderful memories with your mom.

THE Tough Cookie said...

Shelly, my heart goes out to you. I know all too well the first special occasions after the loss of a parent. I'd like to tell you it gets easier, but I can't. You just get used to the new reality. And, if I could I'd punch someone in the nose the next time I hear 'it's the circle of life'.

I will tell you it gets easier conjuring up the happy memories as time goes on. The ones that make you smile when you remember your mom.

Sending you big cookie hugs.

Emily said...

It's been 11 years since my mom passed from cancer. She was only 48. It's always hard. For years I ignored Mother's Day altogether. Now that I have kids, it's easier to manuever. We still don't go to church that Sunday, though. I find that I sob through the whole service-it's not pretty. Losing your mom leaves a hole that just can't be filled by anyone else but you do learn to handle it better with time. I'll be praying you through this weekend.

TidyMom said...

Thanks for linking up Shelly! I featured you post in my wrap up!

Katie said...

Thanks so much for this! My best friend's birthday was a few days before Mother's Day so this came up just in time. She is probably the biggest flower lover I have EVER known, so I knew I HAD to do this as her birthday dessert!
Here is a link to my facebook page where I posted pics of my version :)

PS I LOVE your blog! I'm about to be a first time mommy so this is the inspiration for fulfilling ALL my sweet cravings :)

Kelli @ The Corner Kitchen said...

These are absolutely adorable!!

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