April 7, 2011

Feeling salty?

 I went to my first ever karaoke party on Saturday night.
It was an...experience.
I learned there are karaoke "types":
Type 1: The practiced songstress.  She sings beautifully, has clearly done this before and even has a "signature song"
Type 2:  The "in-on-the-joke" singer.  This person gets up, knowing that singing isn't their strong-suit, but still does it for the fun of it.
Type 3:  The delusional rocker.  This person thinks they can sing; thinks they have star quality, when in reality they are more Sanjaya than The Stones
Going into the evening I would have guessed that I was a Type 2.
Not so much.
My husband thought it would be great fun to video the evening, so I got the pleasure of watching back what everyone else witnessed first-hand.
When you're singing you can't really hear yourself, so the video footage was a real eye opener.  Apparently I go more for volume vs. musicality. "Type 3" all. the. way.
At one point during my second song (yes, there were multiple tone-deaf exhibitions)  a fellow party-goer came up and tried to make the song a "duet".  I nearly elbowed her in the face.  
Apparently I am a bit of a spotlight hog. Who knew?
I blame the microphone.  It has powers.
I'm amazed I still have friends.

So to apologize to the universe for degrading the human voice by way of "Summer Lovin'" I made some yummy lime bars.
I'm a salty-sweet gal, so I made these bars with a salty twist on the average lime squares.
  The pretzel crust makes them yummy and different.
Pretzel Crusted Key Lime Squares
For crust:
1 1/2 cups pretzel crumbs (about 3 cups of mini twist pretzels BEFORE you crush)
6 Tbsp melted butter
1 tsp kosher salt
3 Tbsp sugar

For filling:
2 large egg yolks
1-14 oz. can fat free sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup key lime juice

Optional white chocolate drizzle:
1 oz melted white chocolate

Preheat oven to 350°.
Spray an 8x8 square pan with cooking spray.
In a food processor grind pretzels until they are a fine crumb.  (You don't want dust, but you don't want chunks or it won't stay together)
In a bowl combine your pretzel crumbs, butter, salt and sugar.
Press firmly into your prepared pan (slightly up the sides) and bake for 10 minutes until golden.
 Let crust cool.
Now combine your yolks, sweetened condensed milk and lime juice.  Stir until well mixed.
Pour into your crust and bake 12-15 minutes until just set.
Cool completely and drizzle with white chocolate.
Refrigerate until ready to eat, at least an hour.
Cut into squares when ready to serve.
Store in refrigerator.
What's your karaoke song?


Diane Schmidt said...

Yes, I am feeling a bit salty today, thanks for asking :)

Oh these look delicious. I love salty snacks :) pretzels are so wonderful. Great idea! I can almost taste the goodness from my computer!

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

LOL on your karaoke spotlight! I am a horrible singer but a few drinks in me and I love Karaoke:-) I don't usually go for key lime desserts but these look really good!

Cookbook Queen said...

I will never ever never do karaoke. Way too scary for me.

LOVE pretzel crust!! One of my favorite things.

Joanne said...

And to think my roommates (who are actually EXCELLENT singers and thus excel at karaoke in every capacity) always told me that doing karaoke well IS about volume when you have no musicality. From now on, I'm just going to shut up. Or rap. Probably the latter, if I know myself.

I am always feeling salty. I could drink soy sauce. Happily. These look delicious!

Yaneri said...

Yeah, I've been to Karaoke's before and some are good and some are just plain silly to laugh at, but it's enjoying. Never sang up on stage and probably will never cuz i for sure will mess it up!

Love salty snacks! A pick me up after loooooong hours of work!!


Kelli said...

If you're so inclined to watch, I believe I uploaded a video of my karaoke debauchery to my blog last August (from my 30th B-day). I'm afraid I might be a #3. I LOVE to sing, but am fully aware of how much I suck. I go for volume all the way. Also, I made up clever lyrics like, "This song suuuuucks!" when in my tequila-induced stupor I forgot the words.
I'm special.
The bars look yum. My fav song to sing to is "Brown Eyed Girl" despite mine being blue.

Elizabeth @ Lone Stars And Stripes said...

So saving this one on my Pinterest board ... what a perfect summertime dessert! Delish!

Meg Johnston said...

Ooh, I might have to steal this recipe. My sister would love this.

Rachel said...

I don't know what I loved more about your blog post; your fabulous dessert, your hilariously entertaining karaoke Saturday night tale or your husband who videoed it! Thanks for the laugh!

scrapstampcrazy said...

My hubby loves key lime and fortunatley I don't so this one might be a "safe" recipe for me to try.

Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

These look amazing!!

Mostly Food and Crafts said...

OOh - yes please - these look awesome!

paddle attachment said...

Salt works, any time. Love key lime too, and while we're at it, singing Summer Lovin', just not with any recording device anywhere in the vicinity of my voice.... (:

Unknown said...

Salty? Maybe. Snarky? Most definately. These look so great. Perfect for a gal at work that "hates sweets" but LOVES key lime and has a bday coming up (I am designated treat bringer, of course!) THANKS!

Sue said...

How genius to make a pretzel crust!
I have never sang karaoke, but did sing in a lot of choirs/madrigal groups in the old days:) I can imagine it would be an eye-opener to hear/see a video of myself-yikes!
Thanks for always making me laugh:)

Michael said...

Yum, those look good. I love pretzels, and they are the perfect crust for many treats! Thanks for sharing!

Baking Addict said...

These look great! I'm really loving the sweet/salty combo currently.

Mostly Food and Crafts said...

I wanted to let you know that I featured this recipe on my "What I Bookmarked This Week" post - stop by and check it out.


Cookie Sleuth said...

These look delicious! I think I'm a Type 2...

Lorraine said...

Very funny! I would love to see the video! I have never done karaoke..too shy:) If they had karaoke when I was in my 20's and still out partying probably would be another story..lol

Great idea to add a salty pretzel crust to the key lime bars...yum..love sweet and salty!

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea. I love pretzels and I love key lime. So I'm sure I'd love pretzels & key lime together.

grace said...

you've just convinced me to never participate in karaoke, as i think i'm also a type 2 and would be humiliated to find i'm actually a type 3! :)
tasty bars--the filling doesn't compare in appeal to the crust for me!

Unknown said...

ooh yum, this sounds so delicious.
You know I've been wanting to make a pretzel crust for awhile now, I think you just inspired me to give a try. Delicious looking bars,i love these flavors.

Unknown said...

Hahha I suck at singing, so I always thought I'm type 2, luckily I've never had a video to prove otherwise. These bars look awesome, I love the sweet+salty combination.

Ruth said...

goodness this sounds so good! Thanks for sharing!

Jaime said...

these look fantastic! i love salty and sweet combos

Kelsey said...

Oh YUM! I love this idea. I love making my banana cream pie with pretzel crust. Key lime would be just incredible!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

We have the American Idol game...and really, I never get tired of hearing Randy call me "Dawg." My fav karaoke song? "Walkin' on Sunshine." :)

Breanna Veth said...

Your newest follower! These bars look amazing! My dad loves key lime pie so I just have to make these for him :)

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