May 18, 2011

Cake Mix Short Cuts Part 1

 I'm all about a short cut.

Don't you love driving with someone and you take a detour and they're all, "Where are you going?" and you're all, "oh, it's just a short cut".
You get there minutes faster and they think you're super smart for knowing alternative routes.
I mean, I imagine it would feel really awesome.
Because it generally doesn't go that way for me. 
 I suppose I think short cuts are impressive because I spend most of my time in the state of lost confusion.
Blame it on my internal compass or my easy distractability but unless I am headed to the mall or supermarket there is a very strong chance I will make a wrong turn.
I am the woman searching aimlessly for her car in the parking lot.
I am the woman making the illegal U-turn because I missed the entrance.
I like to think that my mind is just so busy thinking up super smart stuff that directions aren't my first priority, but the reality is that I'm more likely to be singing along with Young MC than pondering life's difficult questions.
So needless to say when I find short cuts that are spot on I try to brag about them and let everyone know how smart I am to have discovered a new path.
I'm all about the bragging.
Short cuts for me don't end (or begin) on the open highway.  I take short cuts in the kitchen too...and as on the road, I win some and lose some.
I'm gonna share a winner with ya today.
Using cake mixes to build on in recipes is a favorite of mine.
Not only are cake mixes cheap, but they are a quick way to make special treats.
I'm not a food blogger who looks down on cake mixes, I encourage them actually!  
It's always nice to bake from scratch, but in life's reality there isn't always time.

So short cut it up :)
 Light and Dark Bars
recipe from my mom's recipe box..she credited Woman's Day

1 box white cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup oil
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 stick salted butter (1/4 cup)
Preheat oven to 350.
Spray a 13 x 9 baking pan lightly cooking spray.
Beat cake mix, eggs and oil in a large bowl with mixer until
blended (about 30 seconds on medium)
   Press 2/3 of the dough into pan.
 Microwave condensed milk, chocolate chips and butter in a bowl on high
for 1 minute.
Stir until smooth. Pour mixture over crust.
Crumble the remaining 1/3 dough over the top of the chocolate
 Bake 20 to 25 minutes until lightly browned.
Cool and cut into bars.
 So I'm going to start a series, once a month or so, on favorite cake mix recipes.

If you all have some to share let me know, I'd love to feature recipes that are your favorite!


hailey said...

I love that idea! Those bars look delicious :) I just made some pineapple bliss cupcakes from , just mix one 20oz. can of crushed pineapple (with juice) with a box of white cake mix, and voila! Pineapple cupcakes! Who knew? :)

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

This looks like a delicious short cut! Love them. I am just like you, any time I try taking a shortcut when I drive I get super lost and have the opposite result. In fact, just going the regular way I'm likely to get lost!

Shmack said...

One that I loooooove to do is cake mix cobbler. Your choice of (2 cans) pie filling on the bottom, cake mix dumped straight from the box on top, then cover with a can of your choice of pop (soda). My favourite combo is cherry pie filling, chocolate cake mix, and dr pepper. So so so good and so easy. I've added chocolate chips to the cake mix before as well... I'm terrible. 350 for 30, if I remember right! Possibly longer.

Oh, and if you're curious, I think the "original" version was cherry, yellow cake mix, and 7-up.

Heather Baird said...

I love this shortcut! I'm pretty sure these will be made in the next 24 hours. My husband is drooling over my shoulder.

I knew when I clicked that Young MC link I'd be busting a move! :)

Cookbook Queen said...

I've made bars like these before but the cake part was peanut butter. They were so good!!

I love your cake mix series idea. Seriously, they should just let the two of us rule the world.

Melissa :) said...

These are very much like the "Knock You Naked" brownies posted on The Pioneer Woman ( I was introduced to these bars under the name "The Original Sin" and when a friend of mine tasted them he coined them "sex brownies". SO GOOD.

Allie said...

You should include my favorite cake mix recipe from you-- dump cake!! Even after all these years, still get loads of compliments wherever I bring it :)

Jennifer said...

Oh, oh my! These WILL be made soon!! I'm looking for love in all the RIGHT places!

Melissa said...

These look yummy!

Joanne said...

I haven't used cake mixes in a very long while but every time YOU do it makes me want to lick the screen. Like now.

paddle attachment said...

Yum! These look delicious and attainable, especially after a busy day!

Unknown said...

I love the idea of FAST and FANCY...this sure fits. You make people like me excited to bake. Thanks!!!

Mrs.Brewer said...

oh man these look tasty! i think a friend made these once for a party. i am so glad to have a recipe for them now! thanks!!

Tessa said...

I've got an easy "crumble" type recipe using a cake mix called "dump cake" that we always made growing up. We called it dump cake since you just dump everything out :)

It's a big can of crushed pineapple (drained) mixed with a can of cherry pie filling. (This is the fruit we used, but I've seen it with any fruit, even peaches). Mix the fruit together and place in a 9x13 pan. Top with a dry yellow cake mix. Slice a stick of butter and randomly arrange the slices on top of the cake mix. Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour or until the top begins to brown. Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum. Now I want some :)

TidyMom said...

I LOOOVE shortcuts!!!
these sound delicious Shelly!!

Sue said...

These bars look fantastic! Nothing wrong with shortcuts!
What a treasure to have your mom's recipe box:)

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this idea for your series. I just actually bought a betty crocker (I think) cookbook (Fast fix with a mix)that I'm dying to explore. These sound delicious and can't wait to try them.

Jocelyn said...

I am all about short cuts and cake mixes;) These look and sound super yummy...can't wait to try it out!

Amber said...

I love to cook from scratch, but cake mix creations are a must from time to time with four kids. The first cake mix creation I ever did was an Earthquake Cake. You line the bottom of a 9x13 with nuts and coconut and then pour your cake batter of that. Chocolate is the best, but my husband is a bit of a dork and doesn't like chocolate so if have to, then yellow would be ok. Then you mix cream cheese, butter and powdered sugar and dump it around on top. The cake will be cooked and the yummy white stuff will still be a bit gooey. It's so good. I might have to go make one for breakfast now.

cocoa and coconut said...

I love to indulge and use a shortcut or two now and then. Although, I often stuff it up because I'm in speed mode/shortcut mode and don't read the recipe properly anyhow. Not my point though. Point is..this is a great idea! Thanks!

Michael said...

What a great idea! I am baking a recipe, very very similar to what you just posted, Ha! Mine calls for caramel sauce, candy bars, and chocolate/white morsels. It's in the oven now and making me hungry!

trooppetrie said...

Have you heard of cake doctor. i love that book. tons of ideas with cake mixes

Katie said...

I was just thinking this morning that I needed a new dessert in the house to quench the chocolate cravings. This will be perfect! Thank you!!

Patti said...

Even though I love to bake from scratch...I think cake mixes are a God send! I have a stockpile of them for when I want to bake something but don't have the time or if I don't want to bother with hauling out all the ingredients to start from scratch.
Definitely trying this recipe! I have a similar one that my mom makes from scratch (chocolate revel bars)but I'm all for quicker and easier! I may even print and paste this recipe over the other one. LOL

Food Glorious Food! said...

I love short cuts too! But yours are definitely looked professionally done!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

I'm excited for your series!!! And those bars look incredible! Oh my goodness!

Kate H.( said...

Who doesn't love shortcuts! I'll have to try this (:


lawd have us some muh-see, heyuh!!!! these look FEE-nahm!!! and for the record, you and i could be twins separated at birth . . . which would make total sense because that means one of us took a u-turn somewhere looking for an exit . . . i'll let that settle in your mind just a bit . . .

Paige Reese Designer Bakeshop said...

OMG! I HAVE to make these... and this is why i go to the gym!! Thanks for sharing! Janeen

Julie said...

Could not have said it better - I LUV using cake mixes as a base for desserts! Great post, will definitely add this recipe to my
"to do" list!!

The Swank Family said...

I love this! And I love the idea of doing more cake mix posts!


Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Came by on Sweetologie's recommendation. I now follow you. :-)

Beth said...

Oh,my. Made these tonight for dinner (subbed yellow cake mix because I didn't have white). The chocolate part alone is divine, but the whole thing mixed together is like a smushy chocolate chip cookie. Delicious.

Jennifer said...

I'm on a big dreamsicle kick and I think this would be good with orange cake mix & white chocolate chips.

Holly said...

YUM! I love me a cake mix:) I've made a bar sorta similar to this one called Grandma's Mistake Bars-I'll have to post them some day...;)

Cakewhiz said...

I like to use cake mixes too, especially when i am short on time. That way, i get to spend more time playing around with the decorations....hehe
I haven't attempted making these bars from a cake mix but this idea is brilliant. I am looking forward to more of your "shortcut" recipes :)

Christine said...

Hi! I have a simple, cake box recipe. Turn your cake mix into cookies! They are delicious and can be topped with a complimenting frosting, i.e. red velvet cake mix and cream cheese frosting! Hope this helps a little! Here is my blog link with the recipe I use!

Kara said...

I'm excited for some cake mix recipes, because I have a bunch of cake mixes that are expiring soon/have barely expired.

Unknown said...

I'm with you. Both on getting lost and on the cake mix. Especially the cake mix. Anything that gets cake in my mouth quickly is a winner in my book.

grace said...

i love when driving shortcuts work out, but it's always so humiliating when they don't!
love these bars and anything making the trip from ingredients to finished product easier!

Anonymous said...

Must try this NOW! :)

KitchenTherapy said...

Just had a thought, maybe add nuts?

Mindy said...

I rarely even bake cakes from scratch....oops, the secret it out!

Can't forget Gooey Butter Bars...butter, cream cheese, eggs and a cake mix!

Lisa said...

I just found your blog and I really love it. I am also the mother of four boys - we are a sisterhood! Lisa

Lorraine said...

Short cuts are always a good thing, especially if it means making something this yummy a little easier:)

Michelle said...

I think that's awesome you found a cake recipe your mom. Now - tons of other people can enjoy too. And I can't wait to make this myself!

Unknown said...

I'm all for the short cuts. The bars look great.

D+B said...

These look so delicious!! I am your new follower! I will definitely be trying some of your recipes.. :) Also if you want to check out my blog it is I am new to this, but I am excited to share recipes, crafts, and make-up. If you would want to follow also that would be wonderful!!

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