March 22, 2011

Counting Sheep

 There comes a time in your life when you realize you're "older". 
Not gonna say "old".
But "older" is accurate.
My time happened a few weeks ago at the birthday dinner for my very dear friend.
After a dinner soaked with wine she decided that it would be fun to go out to a local bar.
We are more the game-night fair, not so much the bar-type, but hey, it's a celebration and we're dressed, so why the heck not?
Here's why:
- We pulled up to the bar in a minivan
- My friend's husband was carrying a cake container...not really a "cool guy" accessory.
- True Colors was playing on said minivan's radio loud enough for the smokers standing outside to hear.
- My "local" is rural-ish NJ.  Form your own opinion.

All of these things were what they like to call "warning signs".
We recognized them all and still set forth.

Upon entering the bar I looked around recognizing that the clientele was largely made up of divorcees, old people and a local band.

Still...we bought drinks.
We were gonna make this happen.
Surrounded by animal heads on the walls and people transported from the 80's we were determined to have a good time.
Then we saw the lead singer of the band. 
Look , I'm not saying that I am better than anyone, but I DO know that if you were "of age" when Jimmy Carter was president you should NOT be wearing bootie shorts.
When an uninhibited fellow started Riverdancing all by his lonesome we decided it was time to leave.

I guess I'm not really the "going out" type...
never really have been, so I know I judge harshly...
but I will take a good game of Taboo any day of the week if it means I don't have to go to another "local bar".
Call me a fuddy duddy, but I prefer to embarrass myself in the privacy of my own home..because you KNOW I have tried to Riverdance.

That night I had trouble falling asleep...visions of feathered hair and leather vests kept me I turned to the tried and true "counting sheep".
You know where I am going with this...
because I am clearly psychotic and cannot think outside the frosting can, these are the sheep that I counted...
I thought with Easter coming up, they would be perfect.
What makes them the most perfect, though, is that they are SUPER easy.
Watch and learn...
I bought mini powdered donuts
regular sized chocolate chips
pretzel sticks (broken into smaller pieces for legs)
mini Oreos
and not pictured:
White frosting to cover cupcakes and also to use as "glue".
Mini marshmallows for tails.
Frost the cupcakes however you would like (fancy swirls would be pretty or tinting it green and using your grass tip would be cute too!)...I just slapped on some white frosting and dipped into green jimmies.
You don't NEED the edible googly eyes because you could just dot on some icing, but c'mon how cute are they??  Also, the heart sprinkles are super cute and let me tell you that you will use them for EVERYTHING! 
Hop over to Sweet! Baking Supply and order some. 
next you...
Now the fun part
It's coming together...
If you're feeling cute put him on a stick.
I needed to trim the stick a little bit so it stood nicely in my cupcake.
Slowly press the lollipop stick into your donut lamb and insert into frosted cupcake
Now..give your lamb some junk in the trunk with some more frosting and a mini marshmallow...
That's it!!  If you don't want to worry about the sticks, the little lambs can rest atop of your cozy.
So there you have it...
Happy Spring!


Meghan @ Domestic Sugar said...

Lazy Lambs rock! As always, a great job!

Fallon said...

Those are so cute!

katie@tulsadetails said...

You are so funny! And these are absolutely adorable and so creative!

Unknown said...

These are so super cute!

Plain Chicken said...

SO freaking cute!!!

Sparkling Sugar Sweets said...

These are soooo cute!

Heather Baird said...

OH my goodness. Adorable!

I fell out of my chair laughing at the lone riverdancer. OH me.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joanne said...

If it makes you feel any better, I'm totally a Taboo kind of gal as well. And I'm a 24 year old living in NYC. Sigh.

Pass me a sheep.

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I just LOLed at your story! I even made my husband read:-)

Patti said...

LMBO! What a great post! I laughed so hard because it sounded so familiar (okay, all but the cupcake carrier) and I can relate. I much rather have my sheltered, stay at home in my jammies, life.

Those sheep...too darn cute!!

Amy Anderson said...

I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you called them green "jimmies." I'm from Baltimore but live in Virginia now and get made fun of/questioned when I request or talk about jimmies. Here, they're sprinkles. At home, they're jimmies.

tease-spoon of sugar said...

That story completely cracked me up. Hilarious. And sadly, I can totally relate. My days of clubbing are long over. I'd much rather stay in and bake adorable sheep cupcakes. Love these.

MsFoxsSweets said...

I love the story that went along with making these cute cupcakes! Problem is...if I counted these sheep the number would go down instead of up! They look YUM!

Unknown said...

Those are adorable.

Jesse said...

You've done it again...made a really CUTE treat and made me laugh! :)

barb said...

They are so cute!!!

Oh, and I am "older" too. All the cool kids are older :)

Theresa said...

CUTE!!! Making these for Easter :) the kids will help me and they will love it lol

Erin said...

Oh my gosh! That is so stinkin' funny! My last trip "out" was on my 40th (we won't count how many years ago that was) and a guy walked into the bar dressed in full vampire gear. It was a riot and totally scary. We left. HAven't been out since =o)

And I LOVE your cupcakes! Absolutely adorable!!!

Marti said...

LOL, too funny, and I can just visualize the guy in shorts. I love your cupcake and never would have guessed it would be quite so easy.

Unknown said...

Ahhh so so cute!! I am so going to suprise Kidlet with making these this weekend :D We are spring cleaning and this will be the perfect reward!

Diane Schmidt said...

You sheep are too cute!!! LOVE them and of course love your story of the bar, so funny!!!

Tara said...

wow, my cheeks hurt from laughing so much. My husband even had to come over and see what was making me giggle so much. Cute cupcakes, bu

Anonymous said...

Hilarious story. Adorable cupcakes!

the decorated cookie said...

So ridiculously adorable! I posted a link on :)

Unknown said...

I am so going to share these on KidsParties123
Not only are they unique and adorable but your instructions are fabulous!

Caroline said...

I'm not really the going-out type either, and I've been to just that type of bar like you described. An interesting experience, to say the least. At least you get a good story out of it! These cupcakes are adorable. I'm so smitten with your donut sheep!

Lorraine said...

These are adorable! Thanks for the link to the eyes; I have been wanting to get some of those but was not sure where to go.

I am not a bar person either, never was. Loved your story though. You crack me up every time:)

trooppetrie said...

oh man even i could do this

Rosie said...

Your cupcakes are Adorable!

You had me LOL at your story, I'm not a bar-going type, either, so I know exactly what you're talking about.

Pink Little Cake said...

So cute!!! I love the idea, they would be a great idea to do with your kids on Easter. Love your bar story!

Anonymous said...

These are seriously so adorable! They remind me of the wallace and gromett movies!

Kelli said...

I LOVE fun sprinkles like the hearts. I have some oversized stars that I seem to use for everything. Christmas tree topper. Check. Lion for a circus theme cupcake. Check. Star/bows on a girly cookie. Check.
Those are presh. I don't have kids, so I'll make them for my friends' kids.

Shannon said...

CUTE!!!!!! Love it! Now i'm craving powdered donuts.

Barbara said...

Adorable! Makes me wish I still had kids at home to help me with them!

Holly said...

I love the "older" term-totally gonna be using that one;) These are such adorable cupcakes!!

Tracy said...

Goodness these are too cute!!

Simply Sweet by Enma said...

Oh my gosh LOVE! So cute!! I especially love the lazy lamb... I can relate lol! :) Very creative!

Baking Addict said...

these are so super cute! Really love reading your blog - great writing style and beautiful photos.

Jocelyn said...

eeeiiikkk!!! Those are so stinkin adorable! I sure hope my son's teacher needs easter cupcakes for his class party...because I know what I want to make now:-) LOVE THESE!!! You are awesome you know;-)

In The Bubble said...

After a horrible business trip where all I can do is dream of working for myself doing something I love like BAKING, this post just made me smile - what a great idea!

Raquel SK said...

Thanks so much for the laugh!! I totally get what you're saying-and yet I publicly humiliate myself on a weekly basis at my Zumba class without a care in the world. Love the sheep too!

Mimi said...

Hilarious! Cute cupcakes too.

SF50 said...

These are too, too MUCH. They actually made me LOL. And verrrry little on the internet makes me LOL.

Another thing that made me LOL was thinking of the dude with a cake carrier. THAT is pure comedy.

scrapstampcrazy said...

My sin happened to be at the table when I was going through my reading list. Needless to say he saw these and immediately asked if I could make them. Just ordered the heart and googly eye sprinkles but promised only the donut part not the cupcake. After all I have to draw the line somewhere.

Monica H said...

You're so creative. These little lambs would be so cute on a cake too, but a fence. love it.

Happy belated birthday!


hola, ojeando el blog de las mariposas del cariño, de elena, he dado con tu bloy y me metí a echarle un vistazo.
M eha gustado y me encantará seguir viéndote.
Si puedes, te pediría un favor, por un problema médico que tengo, estoy pidiento ayuda,informes o datos médicos a todo el mundo.
si vas a mi blog y ves la entrada del 22 de febrero lo entenderás todo.
Si sabes algo, déjame un comentario en la entrada actual, ya que me están llegando informes, en entradas antiguas y me supone mucho trabajo buscar en que entrada han dejado información.
sea como sea, te agradezco todo lo que puedas hacer por mi.
mi blog es:

mi nombre: Elena Zulueta De Madariaga

Muchas gracias por todo

Abbie said...

These are so cute! Love 'em.

Christina said...

These are so cute, and you make them look easy! Thanks

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea! I love those sheep!

Cookie Sleuth said...

Very cute! I'd rather stay home and bake! :)

Jill @ said...

These are adorable! Just found your blog and love it!

Kristin said...

These are really cute! Just found your blog, and I will be checking back in! These are going to be fun to make with the kids! Thank you!

B's Mommy said...

LOVE this idea! And the "Junk in the Trunk"... LOL! LOL!
So clever. :) Happy Week!

Lisa Berkery said...

I have been a faithful follower of your blog and have recently nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award. Congratulations! I look forward to continued reading of your blog!

P.S. The lambs are simply adorable!

Isreview said...

COOL! Great idea! Thanks for the detailed tutorial:)

Coclamata said...

Holy moly! Your blog is awesome!! I saw a link to these sheep on "One Pretty Thing" (blog) and had to check them out. Your blog was hilarious, too by the way. I can totally relate to the "rural bar", I live in eastern Washington. :)

Thanks for sharing. I think I'll make these for Easter!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I love them! I shared them on my blog.

Lapiz de la Guerra said...

It's a good thing I'm not drinking anything, because if I were, I'd be sending you a bill for a new keyboard, seeing as how I would have shorted mine out. And these dang Apple keyboards is es-spensive! You totally need some sort of warning label on your blog about the hilarity contained within. I'm dying here! And those sheep are seriously adorable!

Malinda said...

We made these last week at my daughter's kindergarten party. The kids loved them! Thanks for sharing such a fun idea.

4D Ultrasounds said...

They are so cute!!!Keep Sharing more >>>>>>>>

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