April 19, 2011

More stuffed brownie truffles...

 So my husband just installed a "pull up" bar in our backyard.
To do pull ups on.
{let's all take a pause here}
The closest I have ever gotten to a pull up in my life was trying to get out of a pool with no steps.  And I think water makes you virtually weightless...sooo....

The "pull up" bar conjures up all sorts of repressed feelings I had from Elementary/Junior High P.E class.
Remember those "physical fitness" tests?
Where they made you do "x" amounts of sit-ups, pull ups, push ups etc. in a designated amount of time.
I posted about this on facebook yesterday and a reader reminded me of the rope climb as well.
Man, I had buried that torture device deep, deep down.  The rope climb...because THAT will come into play later in life...like finding the square root of something, it's one of those things that can be omitted from school curriculum.
Then they made you get on the scale...
in front of a long line of "tween" aged girls.
I think back on this now and the amount of humiliation I endured at the hands of my quasi-female gym teachers is palpable.
 Not that the gym uniforms weren't degrading enough...
Those blue, unbreathable polyester shorts that rode up between my 12 year old thighs give me nightmares to this day.  Thank god when I was twelve descriptive nuggets like "camel toe" hadn't yet entered into American vernacular.

I don't remember if I passed the physical fitness test...but that pull up bar lives soundly in my memory as an apparatus I have no desire of revisiting.
In my life I have clearly chosen the opposite path.
Case in point...
Cookie Dough Stuffed Brownie Truffles.
Now, I know I just did stuffed brownies truffles last week, but I couldn't get the stuffable possibilities out of my head!

*For complete stuffed brownie truffle instructions click here* 
After you bake your brownies according to directions on the box, let them cool completely.
While they are cooling you make your "egg-free" cookie dough like I did HERE.
Chill the dough for an hour or so..just so it's not quite as sticky.
Next, form your dough into small balls...the size of a large marble.
Now you will need to freeze your cookie dough balls for about 15 minutes so you are able to cover them in brownie without them squishing all over the place.
Cover the cookie dough ball with brownie and line on a wax papered baking sheet.
Dip in your melted chocolate and let set.
Now...here's where I decided to keep going.
Reeses Stuffed Brownie Truffles.
I bought Reeses Minis at the store...which are perfectly cute and dangerous for those of us who love Reeses...they come already unwrapped.  Totally poppable.  Totally dangerous.
And then I decided to try stuffing them with some mini Milky Way
It's good stuff people!
There are really endless possibilities here!
What would you stuff?


Heather Baird said...

Okay, THAT looks yummy. Can I come over? :)

Like you, I don't ever want to think about gym class again. Or high school in general. I still have nightmares about not being able to remember the combination to my locker.

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I've never been able to do a pull-up in my life. Ever. I want ALL of these truffles!

Kelli said...

Like the reeses, but more difficult, I've stuffed chocolate cookies with a peanut butter fudge type thing. Yum. Actually anything stuffed inside a brownie would be awesome. Except maybe an olive. That's just crazy.

Sue said...

Oh my gosh, you're killing me here...these truffles look fantastic, ALL of them! I've got to try them!
One of my daughters did 20+ pull-ups and then stopped due to embarrassment, because everyone was making such a big deal out of it! She must possess some mutant gene:)

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness... do those look good or what?
I hate pull ups and have the same fear as you do, leading back to elementary school Presidential Fitness tests, or whatever those were called! Ugh!

AllThingsYummy said...

Yes, P.E was torture in school and it made me hate exercise. It wasn't until I got older that I learned how to enjoy working out and being active. But, I would still choose making cookie truffles over going to the gym. LOL

Kate H.(www.sprinkletherapy.blogspot.com) said...

Yum, cookie dough!

Lorie said...

Now I have the urge to just eat a bowl of cookie dough!!

They look yummy!

Karen said...

The rope pull...not my favorite at all. However, your truffles are my latest addiction!

Patti said...

I refuse to even acknowledge that there ever was gym class. Oh the nightmares! *shudder*

"It's all good stuff people!" bwahaha..great pun! ;)

Definitely making these this week!

Meghan said...

I made regular cookie dough truffles just the other day. I am going to try these next!

Manni said...

omg!! I would love to try these out:) yummy!

Joanne said...

Oof yeah. I remember that test. I was so NOT athletic. And the phrase "camel toe" SO was around back then (at least in high school). Yeah. Truly not fun.

In fact...now that these memories have been hashed back up. I really need to eat a batch or two of these truffles. Yes, you heard me right. Eat.

emily @ the happy home said...

oh, my goodness. physical fitness tests have gotten so much less torturous. thank goodness. all i had to do was run a mile, do some pushups, some sit ups, and sit-and-reach.

these look *so* good!

Anonymous said...

Oh, mini cadbury cream egg brownie truffles.... Junior mint stuffed brownie truffles.. There are so many possibilities.

Yanet said...

holaa!!!! que lindo tu blog!!! lastima que no se puede traducir,igualmente mil felicidades!!! que don maravilloso,besos!!

Jennifer said...

Pull up, Schmull up! My husbants wants to put one IN the house, in the doorway to the kitchen. Ironic? Eat my goodies and workout on either trip in or out. These look ridiculously amazing!!!

Heather said...

Good gracious these look amazing!!

Lapiz de la Guerra said...

If I wasn't already, I am o-fficially in love with you! I also need to get one of those plastic keyboard covers for whenever I visit your blog...because it is that drool worthy! YUM!

CuteStuffInside said...

I think we went to school together. Even better than this recipe was the belly laugh I got from reading this post!

Joli Gâteau said...

OMG, that looks like heaven!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Those look delicious!!!

And I *just* had this conversation with my husband about the physical fitness tests a few weeks ago...and teh ROPE came back to be the same way! I had BLOCKED it! NEVER did I get anywhere on the rope, or more than 2 seconds on the "flexed arm hang." How was that helping us? Plus, I bet the girls who did really well and were the 1st picked for the teams in PE can't make brownie stuffed truffles....it's just a feeling.

*end of novel-comment*

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

These look absolutely delicious! I think I'd take one of each (or two, just for good measure - ya know?)

Suzy said...

Remember the fat pincher thing they would put on your arm? ugh.... oh, the memories.

paddle attachment said...

Wow. These just get better and better with every yummy variation!

Philippa Buckley said...

I tried my very first Reeses peanut butter thing yesterday (I'm in the UK)...wow...seriously...just wow!

Ms. Morgan said...

Oh my. I don't even know where to begin with these. Holy smokes! I'll have to try these out. Thanks.


Unknown said...

That looks so good. Could you send me some?

TidyMom said...

Ok Shelly, my girls have this obsession with cookie dough treats....adding this to our list of MUST MAKE!!

MaryBeth said...


Amy Anderson said...

Oh hell. Gotta make these. Right now. Bye.


Allison said...

I just got so excited that my FB comment about the nightmare that was the rope climb made it on your blog!! :) It really was the worst! By the way... I'm totally trying these brownie truffles. I wish I could eat one. Sigh...

Baking Addict said...

wow!! I want some please :)

Possible Baker said...

Delish!!! I would stuff...jellybeans. My mind is on Easter, I can't help it.

Diane Schmidt said...

So funny the memories of all the torture we were put through :( well not really funny!
These look delicious. My kids are CRAZY for cookie dough and yes, inside a brownie........y-u-m-m-y!

Leslie said...

LOL...what about the chin ups? Or when you had to hang there on the pull up bar..and just HANG? We had to run back and forth on the hardcourt and pick up erasers. LOL

Maris (In Good Taste) said...

Those truffles are calling out to me!

Audrey Ellen @ My Scene and Herd said...

So many awesome combinations!

marla said...

I am with Heather - could not stand high school. I do need to workout, but still can't do the pull up bar. Torture devices if you ask me. These cookie dough treats on the other hand look awesome!

Food Glorious Food! said...

You are making little girls dream come true! Candies & chocolates combo! What can be better! Yummmmmy! A must to follow your blog!


Janet said...

This is brilliant!! And, you're so right... those darn unwrapped Reese's are dangerous!!

Angie - Big Bears Wife said...

egg-free cookie dough is awesome!! I love making it because I dont feel bad for eatting it lol

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