April 15, 2011

Rice Krispie Treat Pizza

 So, I was told to "act my age" this morning.
The disher of the advice was my 7 year old son.
He told me this as I was playing air guitar.
That's normal, right?
Air guitar in the morning?
It's a strange phenomenon when you go from being the only girl in your son's eyes, to a clear and major embarrassment.  It happens overnight.  Watch out.
My air guitar riffs might be the cause of this embarrassment, but there was a day when he would come over and play bass to my lead.
ANNDD the other day I went up to his school and he pretended he didn't know me.
It was a sad day.
Sad day, indeed.
But I know he will come around.  Because I make him treats.
And I will hold them over his head...
"No cupcakes unless you kiss your mother..in public"
"No cookies unless you hold my hand when we cross the street"
...you get the idea.
I'm not above it.  I have to use what I've got.
It's resourceful.
 And it's worth it. 
So while on my mission to "embrace the immature" I will share with you what I ate for dinner...err..dessert last night.
Because you never get too old for a krispie treat...right?
I gave these an Easter spin, because of the upcoming holiday, but please decorate with whatever candy you most enjoy!
Rice Krispie Pizza
8 cups Rice Krispie cereal
4 cups Fruity Pebbles
1 stick salted butter (1/2 cup)
2 (10.5 oz) bags mini marshmallows

Prepare 16" round pizza pan by spraying lightly with nonstick spray
Over low heat melt your butter in a large sauce pan (I used my 8qt pot)
When the butter is melted add your marshmallows, stirring until melted.
When the marshmallows are melted remove from heat.
Stir in both your cereals until combined.
When combined transfer to your prepared pizza pan.
 *Here's my fave krispie trick...spray one side of a sheet of waxed paper with cooking spray and press krispies into pan.  Works AWESOME!  
Press evenly over pizza pan.
Now top with your favorite frosting.  You will need about 2 cups.
I used marshmallow frosting in keeping with the theme:

1, 7oz container of Marshmallow creme
1/2 cup room temp butter
1 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
 Beat together your marshmallow cream and butter until smooth.
Slowly add in your vanilla and powdered sugar and continue mixing for 1 min. on medium speed until combined and smooth.
Top with your favorite candies!
 Slice it up.
Now excuse me while I go fill the gaping hole my son ripped in my heart with Rice Krispie Pizza.  It has to be done.


Unknown said...

Yummy! I think this would be a great dessert at Easter!

Heather Baird said...

Love this! So cheerful and springy.

And I have always loved fruity pebbles...

Heather Baird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristen - Dine & Dish said...

How stinkin cute is that?? Yum!

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

This is precious! I want a big ole slice!!!

Unknown said...

This is so cute! And I love the bribing aspect....my son now lives in mortal fear that I will embarrass him in public, all because I shot the straw wrapper off of my straw at him during dinner :P he used to think that was hilarious. *sigh*

Kate H.(www.sprinkletherapy.blogspot.com) said...

You come up with the coolest ideas!

Unknown said...

Never met a Peep, I didn't like. I absolutely LOVE something that my daughter and I can do together. Thanks so much! She was so excited to see this!! You are so creative.

Sue said...

I love all the spring/Easter colors! So pretty! Thanks goodness you have treats to keep your boys in line:)

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I always love your stories because they make me lol! Great recipe, too cute!

Cupcake Crazy Gem said...

Oh I love everything about this! He used to be the bass to your lead! If you weren't so witty, this would be bringing a tear to my eye right now!! Love the pizza, it looks so yummy and so Easter-y!!!

Jocelyn said...

This sounds perfect for dinner! and I understand you completely...my 7 year old has been doing the exact same thing to me lately! Where did the sweet little boy go???

Kenni said...

This looks so yummy! I think I would eat this whole thing by myself.

Colleen said...

Oh WOW, what a great thing to make with my grandkids.
With the cereal, what a great breakfast this would be.
You come up with the neatest ideas.
Thank you

Amy said...

This is such an adorable and yummy idea. I am now planning to do this with my daughter for Easter. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I think this is so awesome that I'm playing a little of my own air guitar!! :D

Sugar Swings said...

love this!!! and I have a 6 year old so i feel your pain...doesn't want kisses anymore, calls me "mom"....rolls his eyes....really your 6 dude...! anyway, love the peeps and krispie pizza!

Joanne said...

Definitely one of those things that he'll grow out of. I'm totally okay with holding my mother's hand. And I'm 24.

I will also take any excuse to frost anything on this earth. I do love frosting oh so very much. What a pretty pastel easter treat!

tease-spoon of sugar said...

That is the cutest thing EVER. My kids would love it! (And I totally had to giggle at your story.)

Jennifer said...

ZOMG... I am in love. :) My two boys are 2 1/2 and 1 next week. They idolize my dance parties, air guitar, and how I can rap every single word to Baby Got Back. I'm gonna take it as long as I can.

Erin said...

So stinkin' cute. And... yum!

Katrina said...

Love this! I love playing around with rice crispies. This is a really fun one.

Anonymous said...

love love this!

Baking Addict said...

this is so cute! love the colours

Lindsey said...

Looks so yummy and great for any holiday with the right candies!! Love the easter colors!

New Follower!

Mary said...

Oh my goodness that looks yummy!!

Ps: I'm your newest follower :)

paddle attachment said...

This is a great idea. Just the right amount of Fruity Pebbles for Easter color! I also appreciate the recipe for marshmallow cream frosting. I've never tried it!

Anne said...

This is adorable and I think my husband would do tricks for a bite. I love the treats for loves from your son- they grow up too fast !

Polar Bear said...

This looks so cute! My family LOVES rice kris pie treats - I'm definitely going to make it for Sunday! Thanks!!!!

Barbara said...

Been there, done that, but take hope. When they grow up, suddenly you'll become smarter and the kids will no longer be embarrassed, they'll be proud of their young, with-it mother. :)

Love this idea of a rice krispie pizza. Sending on to my DIL, cause if I made this, I'd eat the whole thing!

Unknown said...

So awesome. I posted a link on ediblecrafts.craftgossip.com

Unknown said...

My son and I used to go on dates. Dates to the park, dates to the movies, dates for dinner...then one day? "It's not a DATE, Mom. Gross." Broke my heart right in two.

I think this pizza would definitely help us both heal.

bridget {bake at 350} said...

This IS the cutest Easter dessert, EVER!!! Just darling, Shelly!

RecipeGirl said...

darling. Simply darling.

Jacque said...

Ah yes....bribery, blackmail...whatever it takes!!
Great post and love the easter pizza!! too cute!

SweetSugarBelle said...

Oh, I love it!!! My son has reached that age too :-(

Unknown said...

What a pretty pastel easter treat! So cute..we will definitely be making these!

Jennifer said...

I know I already commented but I had to come back to pass on a Blogger Award to you! Your blog inspires me every day! Please head on over to mine for details, you don't have to stay long, just grab your award! :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun pattern! It's great to hear from you and see what you've sent up to. All of the projects look great! You make it so simple to this.Thanks!

grace said...

so pretty and fun! and i'm always up for a peeps massacre. :)

Daca said...

I never heard for this recipe before. It looks so interesting. I really like it.

Renée said...

Congratulations, your fun post made this week's top hits @ singinwithbirds.com. Thanks for sharing such a fabulous idea and Happy Easter!

MeMeSue said...

This to shall pass....in a few years! LoL....I use to love to embarass my kids...pay back for all the times they did it to me! But my kids are 34, 28 and 26 and they all call me "mommy" at times! Hang in there!

So borrowing this recipe for Easter egg party for the grands (and grownups) and you have a new follower!

Megan said...

So I made this today and it's totally cute! I tinted my icing yellow and used sprinkles instead of M&Ms and renamed it a Rice Krispie PEEPza :)

Amber said...

so cute I gotta try this. And Im so happy I found your blog, well not really. Its not helping me loose my baby weight!

Janet said...

And by the way... the son part. I so totally get that. Hang in there! It doesn't get too much better, but hang in there nonetheless, we need you around here!

MeMeSue said...

I blogged about your Rice Krispie Pizza....pop on over and give it a read...thank you so much for sharing!

"MeMe" Sue

Kerry Phillips said...

You are soooo cute!! I have a teenage son and I remember the days when I experienced him growing up, overnight. I wish I had this recipe then...Lol Thanks for sharing!!

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