May 15, 2011

Mashuga what?

 A few weeks ago my friend and I spent a whole day baking together.
We made all sorts of yummy treats for our neighbors.
Trying to diversify from all the baked treats she had a fun idea to make some yummy mixed nuts.
Actually she called them "Mashuga Nuts".
I was completely unfamiliar with any such off to Google I went.
Apparently they are pecans coated with sugar and cinnamon and "Mashugana" is the Yiddish word for crazy.
Crazy nuts.
Love that.
I wish I could speak Yiddish.
I would work "oy vey" or "shlimazel" into pretty much every sentence...
I've tried and trust me it doesn't come off natural.
It was like my Good Will Hunting phase when I desperately wanted to say everything was "wicked cool" or yell "What a pissa!" whenever something went wrong.
 I am sad, I know.
So back to the nuts...they are yummy, will make your house smell incredibly delicious and aren't nuts heart healthy or something?  I thought I read that one time...whatev.

Copy Cat Mashuga Nuts
adapted from Pragmatic Attic

2 lb mixed nuts, salted
  2 cups sugar
  4 egg whites
  2 tsp. cinnamon
  1 cup butter (2 sticks)
1 teaspoon vanilla
 (if you don't have an oven large enough for 2 baking sheet cut the recipe in half)

Preheat oven to 275°
Beat the eat the egg whites until they are foamy. 
Gradually add the sugar and continue to beat on high until the whites are thick and shiny. (approx 2-3 minutes) The whites will not have stiff peaks it will just be thicker.
Mix in the vanilla and cinnamon. Beating until combined.
 Fold in the nuts.
Now on each baking sheet (jelly roll pan or a baking stone, use a sheet with sides) place 1/2 cup butter and pop in oven until the butter is melted.
 Remove the baking sheets from your oven.  Spread the coated nuts in a single layer on the baking sheets..
 diving equally between the 2 sheets.
Bake the nuts for 20 minutes and then stir. Bake another 15 minutes and stir again. Repeat until the meringue on the nuts is brown and the butter is absorbed. This should take another 1/2 hour or so. 
Let cool before eating.
If the nuts are kept in an air tight container they will stay fresh for quite a while.
They're perfect to divide up into bags and give as gifts!
 Mazel Tov, my friends


Anne said...

Oy vey is right! These look delish! Thanks for sharing.

Amanda said...

Those are gorgeous. A must try for me!!! :)

Two Minute Takes said...

I think I'm a little nuts over your Mashuga nuts and the fact that they'd make a perfect gift idea anytime. Thanks for posting the recipe.

Unknown said...

This is a cool post. I like something different like this. I am partial to nuts, being one myself. ~ Trish

Baking and Mistaking said...

Adorable! You can be an honorary member of the tribe :)

emily said...

omg. the name of this made me guffaw really obnoxiously-- then i (from NYC) had to explain to my fiance (from TX) what "mashugana" is. awesome!

tease-spoon of sugar said...

Those look perfect - and they're making me hungry! You're right, they're the perfect gift, if I could bring myself to part with them.

Holly said...

You are sooo funny-love it:)
These crazy nuts look fab!!:)

Sue said...

What a great recipe, Shelly! Yep, even heart healthy:)

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

I love the name and they look so good~

Fallon said...

I always get myself those sweet pecans or cashews when they have them at food fairs or farmers markets. That is so neat you can make your own at home, I always thought they fried them?

Lorraine said...

Wicked They look great:)

Kenni said...

I would totally make these but with different nuts. They look super yummy!

Amy Anderson said...

Not a huge fan of cinnamon (I know, what's wrong with me??) but these sound really good! Maybe I'll sub cocoa powder.

Erin said...

Oy vey! They look wicked awesome! =o) Yeah, I can't pull it off either, but I do say oy vey all the time. Maybe I should rethink that... But the nuts look AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

These look wonderful! I can't wait to make them. How much vanilla do you use? I see that it says to mix in the vanilla and cinnamon, but I don't see a quantity listed for the vanilla. :)

Joanne said...

I'm totally a wanna-be yiddish speaker also. I oy veh at least once a day. More if I can get away with it.

I love these! I love their name, I love cinnamon sugar, I love that they are good for my arteries (YES nuts are!). So much love.

Barbara said...

Yummy on my tummy!

Food Glorious Food! said...

Wow! now i know how these are made! yummy!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Oh my goodness...Shelly....those look SO good! I have a similar recipe that I normally make at the holidays (because I'd be 800 pounds if I made it year-round) with pecans....but yours with the mixed SALTED nuts? I think you're onto something there! Yum!

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

These look fabulous! I know my husband will LOVE them!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad this recipe worked out for you!
@ anonymous: it is a teaspoon of vanilla. I'm going to fix that in my post, too.
And, there is a chocolate version of this that I have been meaning to get around to making . . .

blackbookkitchendiaries said...

they look very addictive:) thank you for sharing this with us.

grace said...

i only know a few yiddish terms and phrases (mashugana being one of them), and you'd better believe i use them as often as possible. this is a brilliant name for some tasty nuts, even if those calories are applied directly to my tukhus. :)


kuh-ZOON-hite!!! and please pass the nuts . . .

paddle attachment said...

Funny post. Whatever you call them, these nuts look crazy delicious!

Tara said...

YUM! I love your site--you have awesome talent :)

Unknown said...

I have some nut lovers in my family who would love some crazy nuts! Ahh this is a cool recipe!!

Jenn Erickson said...

Awesome! I've purchased mashuganuts from gourmet stores, but would much rather make my own. Your recipe sounds spot-on!

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when you and your friend were spending the day baking. Got a good laugh over your bit about Good Will Hunting and "wicked cool" as well.

You're a real mensch!


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