May 13, 2011

Mini S'more Pies - and a Royal Guest Post

So, today I am doing another guest post.
 I know you won't mind.
You know how I know? 
Because I feel like we have a relationship, you and I.
I feel like I know you and you know me.
So I think you will like where I am taking you.
It's fancy.
A Queen lives there.
I feel a little like Pippa to her Kate.  She holds high court over all the cookbooks in the land.  
Yes, my guest post is for Kristan at Confessions of a Cookbook Queen.
See, I told you, it's important stuff!
AND I have the very good luck of meeting her royal Cookbook Queen-ness in real life today for lunch while she is in NYC on vacation.
I'm hoping that she brings her Royal Spatula and can deem me "Duchess of Cookies" or something awesome like that.
Anyway, hop on over and be on your best behavior readers...she's a Queen for heaven's sake!


Sue said...

Okay Shelly, You deserve a repeat comment:) This treat looks like a perfect one to whip up this summer! Thanks. Love that they are individual little pies:)
I bet you and Kristan, together at lunch, were a laugh a minute! Both your blogs never fail to tickle my funny bone:)

Angie's Recipes said...

Mini, beautiful and delicious!

Michael said...

Oh yum, I love anything S'mores! I recently made some S'mores donuts. Now I want these. Mmmmmm.

Elena @ Gaga For Grapefruit said...

loving this right now!

Cindy said...

I just found your blog and with each post I read I get more hungry (and gain virtual pounds!) ;-)
What wonderful recipes. I can't wait to try them out. Our school has "Treat Day" every Wednesday and I feel like I always bring the same things. But thanks to you, I have some new treats to bring to the lounge! ;-)
In The Teacher’s Lounge

Unknown said...

A beautiful treat! And certainly easy to make - perfect!

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